Quit Smoking Side Effects

Stop Smoking Side Effects

The first week after quitting smoking is the most difficult, it gets easier and within eight to twelve weeks the comfort of the non-smoking lifestyle begins to take hold. Becoming an ex-smoker is not without side effects however. Nicotine is a highly addictive drug and the withdrawals can be intense. One can expect headaches, anxiety, nausea, and the worst, a craving for tobacco. It’s a chemical dependency, and without maintainance, the body reacts. The side effects are stressful and unpleasant, but they do fade away after just a few days and will be completely gone in just six months.

The first two weeks are critical, seek all the support from family and friends you can find. The side effects to quitting begin just four hours after your last cigarette, generally they peak at three to five days, and then fade out after two weeks. The symptoms are both physical and mental.

The physical side effects should be treated as you would treat any other symptom. The mental symptoms are almost intolerable the first week, you will survive. You may feel clumsy or awkward, even accident prone. You may even exhibit infantile behavior and have a temper tantrum or two. This is why it’s important to tell people you are quitting, they will be tolerant, for awhile.

Depression is also a common short term effect, you could actually find yourself mourning the loss of your cigarettes. Keep a card on hand listing your reasons for quitting, make them positive and uplifting. This same card will come in handy during the mood swings too. It’s important to keep yourself from boredom, it leads to the depression.

Other side effects you can expect are not limited to, insomnia, vagueness, irritability, constipation, gas, cough, dry throat, nasal drip, dizziness, vertigo, fatigue, frustration, restlessness, tightness of the chest, and weight gain. I know this all sounds terrible, but the good news is that it only last a few day, the withdrawal symptoms will go away and serve as a reminder to not smoke so you never have to go through that again. All these side effects are just the body purging itself of all the harmful chemicals.

Acknowledge it’s an addiction, understand the side effects you may experience after you quit smoking, be prepared to experience them and to treat the physical symptoms. Odds are you won’t experience all of them, but do expect to have a few of them. The more prepared you are the easier it will be.

9 Responses to “Quit Smoking Side Effects”

  1. Rusty Dinkleman on September 3rd, 2009 at 6:47 pm

    stop smoking loser!!!!!! :D

  2. This is day 3 for me and i am feeling light headed, dizzy, and a little irritable. I know that i have tried to quit smoking before and i did not succeed, I have high blood pressure and it has been bothering me to quit for a while, but i guess the addiction just had a strong hold of me…but for some reason this time feels different because i really want to, the first time is because i knew that smoking was not healthy, this was my reason at first, but this time it really is cause i want to and i know that it is not healthy. It is not easy but just by me sitting here typing about it is some sort of therapy for me..I cant believe something had such a strong hold on me..I am not on any drugs, yes nicotine is a drug but i am talking bout street drugs, so if nicotine is a hard habit to quit i feel sorry for the ppl on street drugs…nicotine is just as bad…Wish me luck…Dec 11th 2010

  3. it is hard but i am doing it

  4. jenessa swanson on April 7th, 2011 at 11:20 am

    i haven’t been smoking for about 3 weeks now , and recently i have been coughing A LOT !
    I have actually been in bed sick, now are these just late side effects to me? Or could it be something else?

  5. It has been 10+ months since I quit smoking. My secret? A ‘Positive Mental Attitude’. I reaffirm each and everyday that “I am not…a smoker”.
    I have taken back control of my body.
    Good luck upon your quest.

  6. philip sundin on July 27th, 2011 at 5:02 am

    who would want a burning vegetable for a friend???—not me…

  7. philip sundin on July 27th, 2011 at 5:05 am

    smoking is passive-agrssive.

  8. philip sundin on July 27th, 2011 at 5:08 am

    if i could breath better; i got it! Why don’t i quit smokeing! That would maybe do it.

  9. I’m coughing up clear flem that is sticky and thick is it from my lungs and how long does that last for.

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